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Project activities of School of Expertness and Valuation

The activities of the School of Expertness and Valuation (hereinafter referred to as “SEV”) also include project activities. We strive for the maximum use of grant opportunities intended for universities and research institutions. The financial resources obtained are used to extend opportunities for scientific research as well as to improve the quality of the educational offer.

SEV focuses on the projects financed from the structural funds of the European Union, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, cross-border cooperation, and for the implementation of the contractual research and external activities.

Research projects

Adaptace sektoru znalostně náročných služeb na podmínky Společnosti 4.0 – Projekt TL02000136 / Adaptation of knowledge-intensive service sector to Society 4.0
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The aim of the project is to create a methodology of small and medium-sized enterprises adaptation in the service sector to the conditions of Society 4.0. Based on the results of the analysis and the evaluation of processes, methods, and tools used for the transformation of the services sector to the conditions of Society 4.0, and based on the analysis of the qualification required for job positions related to the commencement of Society 4.0, a methodology will be developed to facilitate effective and timely adaptation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the service sector to the changes in the business environment. The objective is to ensure a sustainable growth and new competitive advantages including preventing and eliminating threats resulting from not realizing the necessary transformation of business processes.

Project duration 2019-2021.

SEV realizes this project in the cooperation with the University of West Bohemia – Faculty of Economics.


Stabilizace a rozvoj MSP ve venkovském prostoru – TL01000349 / Stabilization and development of SMEs in rural area – TL01000349

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The aim of the project is to create a certified methodology and software applied in the form of publicly available knowledge objects, instructions, and methods. These outputs enable SMEs a) to evaluate financial indicators, b) networking on the triple helix principle, c) to increase innovation activities, d) to reduce costs of the company in the legislative and legal area, e) to streamline the process of applying for subsidies, f) to evaluate the potential of business partners, g) to streamline personnel management, h) to generate a real business strategy. The aim is to strengthen the competitiveness and economic performance of SMEs. This will improve the business environment; accelerate the innovative potential, knowledge, education, and internationalization. Also, knowledge from the SMEs development in Austria and Germany will be applied.

Project duration 2019-2021.

In the position of lead partner, ITB cooperates with the Brno University of Technology, Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Crafts in the CR, Výzkumný ústav pro podnikání a inovace z.ú. (Research Institute for Business and Innovation), and regional association NS MAS CR of the South Bohemian region. In this project, SEV cooperates with the Faculty of Corporate Strategy.


Digitální transformace pro inovace obchodních modelů v malých a středních podnicích v České republice – TL02000215 / Digital transformation for innovation of business models in small and medium-sized enterprises in Czech Republic

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The Faculty of Corporate Strategy has been long engaged on the issue of small and medium-sized enterprises. Another activity in this area is the project “Digitální transformace pro inovace obchodních modelů v malých a středních podnicích v České Republice“ (Digital transformation for innovation of business models in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic) implemented within the ÉTA programme of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.

Currently, there is an increase in the digitalization which creates either a barrier or opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises to ensure their competitiveness and sustainability in the international environment. Data-oriented approach creates an opportunity to obtain new competitive advantages by re-orienting business models.

The aim of the project is to create a certified methodology and software based on the development of methods and tools of digital transformation for supporting innovative capacity and increasing the business models competitiveness for small and medium-sized enterprises.


Metodika vyčíslení hodnoty nebytových budov v sektoru vládních institucí – TITACSU920 / Methodology for determining value of non-residential building in general government sector

The School of Expertness and Valuation along with the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, participates in the project whose aim is to develop methodology for qualified valuation of non-residential buildings in general government sector when considering NACE, type, age, and condition of buildings.

Project duration 2020.


Mezinárodní mobilita výzkumných pracovníků na VŠTE -CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_027/0008499 / International mobility of researchers at ITB

The implementation of the mobility was focused on strengthening international cooperation and development of human resources in research at the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, specifically at the School of Expertness and Valuation. The main objective was the support of professional growth of the researchers at the School. During the implementation of the mobility, the researcher focused on an extensive research on the topic of Neural networks.

Project duration 2018-2019.


Besides projects realized within the calls of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, SEV participates in grant programmes of cross-border cooperation.


Development and international projects

Czech Republic – Free State of Bavaria. INTERREG. ETC Goal 2014 – 2020
Podpora moderních trendů ve výuce s ohledem na Best practice/ Unterstützung moderner Trends im Unterricht in Bezug auf Best Practices – No. 261 (Supporting modern trends in teaching with regard to Best practice)

The project, with its content, is focused on the importance of linking Bachelor´s Study programmes with the professional sector. Higher education institutions on both sides of the border are closely related to experts from practice that can enrich teaching with specific requirements for the competences of university students and graduates. The aim of the project is to create a web and mobile application (Czech, German) and foreign-language online platform (web sites in Czech and German). A sub-aim is the innovation of study materials in the study programmes of both partners (Business Administration and Management at ITB and Business Economics at OTH) by involving experts from practice (Best Practice), who will participate in making audio/video recordings. In this context, Best practice refers to the transfer the most useful practical knowledge from experts to theoretical teaching and learning materials. The experts will participate both in innovating of study materials and in teaching in the form of audio/video recordings. The innovation of study materials will apply to Bachelor´s study programmes (see above) which fall under “Business Administration“, specifically in the following subjects: Investment management, Human Resources management, Marketing, Business Finance, Marketing management, etc.). It will apply to similar subjects taught at both partner institutions so that the result is applicable both for Czech and German students.

Project duration 2019-2022.

This project is implemented by the SEV ITB in the cooperation with the Faculty of Corporate Strategy and Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg.


Grants from the South Bohemian region

Within the grant programme of the South Bohemian region, since 2015, we have been applying for grants by means of “Grants for representation of the South Bohemian region in the area of science, youth and sports”. The financial resources provided were used for the organization and realization of the international scientific conference ”Innovative Economic Symposium


Interní granty

Internal Grant Competition is a program-oriented tool of the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice focused on the current problems and needs of the school.

The School also participates in the internal grant competition:


Rozvoj znalostí a dovedností studentů na Ústavu znalectví a oceňovaní – práce s nemovitostním trhem v ČR (Development of student knowledge and skills at the School of Expertness and Valuation – working with the property market )– main researcher Ing. Tomáš Krulický, MBA

Zkvalitnění výukového zázemí a trvalá inovace předmětů Ústavu znalectví a oceňování (Improvement of teaching facilities and permanent innovation of subjects taught at School of Expertness and Valuation) – main researcher is Ing. Pavel Rousek Ph. D.


Innovativní přístup k výuce předmětů na Ústavu znalectví a oceňování (Innovative approach to teaching subjects at the School of Expertness and Valuation) – main researcher – Ing. Simona Hašková, Ph.D., co-researchers – Ing. Pavel Rousek, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Marek Vochozka, MBA, Ph.D., Ing. Veronika Machová, MBA, Ing. Jakub Horák, MBA.

Project outputs and activities are aimed at increasing the graduation rate of the students in final examination in the subjects taught at SEV and directly related to graduation rate in individual subjects. The aim of the project is to ensure quality teaching and testing materials of selected subjects taught at SEV, which correspond to the key activities: Innovation of teaching materials of selected subjects taught in Czech, Innovation of teaching materials of selected subjects taught in English, Proposal to improve the student graduation rate in individual subjects, Improvement of material support for subjects taught in the form of relevant literature.

Inovativní přístup k výuce předmětů studijního oboru Finance podniku (Innovative approach to teaching subjects within the field of study Business Finance) – main researcher Ing. Simona Hašková, Ph.D., co-researchers – Ing. Rousek, Pavel, Ph.D, Machová, Ing. Veronika, MBA

Project outputs and activities are aimed at increasing the graduation rate in individual subjects. For this reason, the project aims to ensure quality teaching and testing materials of selected subjects taught at SEV. This corresponds to the key project activities: Innovation of teaching materials of selected subjects taught in Czech, Innovation of teaching materials of selected subjects taught in English, Proposal to improve the student graduation rate in individual subjects, Linking teaching materials with current and available literature.


Inovace vybraných výukových materiálů a aktualizace témat kvalifikačních prací (Innovation of selected teaching materials and updating the topics of theses) – main researcher Rousek, Pavel, Ing., Ph.D., co-researcher Ing. Veronika Machová

This project aims to keep up-to-date in the areas of teaching incoming foreign students and the topics of theses of Czech students. Two key activities were selected: Innovation of teaching materials of selected subjects taught in English and Updating the topics of theses and supporting the activity of supervising student theses.

Podpora pedagogické práce akademických pracovníků a profilace a inovace studijních programů na úrovni předmětů na Ústavu znalectví a oceňovaní (Supporting pedagogical work of academic staff and specialization and innovation of study programmes at the level of subjects taught at the School of Expertness and Valuation) – main researcher: Ing Jiří Mácha, co-researcher: Ing. Veronika Machová

The subject of the internal grant was to ensure technical facilities for teaching the subject Valuation of tangible asset. The use of tools for valuation of intangible asset was presented to the students. The project outputs are used both for teaching and learning and for the expert activities of the School of Expertness and Valuation. In the project, interns and research assistants working at the School were involved


Podpora rozvoje znalostí a dovedností studentů na Ústavu znalectví a oceňovaní (Supporting the development of student knowledge and skills at School of Expertness and Valuation) – main researcher: Ing. Veronika Machová, co-researcher: Ing. Jiří Mácha.

The aim of the project was to improve the facilities and equipment for teaching the subject Valuation of Property. The use of price data and web applications for the valuation of property was presented to the students. The project outputs were intended to be used for the expert activities of the School of Expertness and Valuation. Research assistants and interns were involved in the project.


Příprava podmínek pro budoucí výuku předmětu osobní finance – Preparation of conditions for future teaching of the subject Personal Finance – researcher: Ing. Pavel Rousek, Ph.D.

The project aimed at filling the gap in the subjects related to the issue of personal finance, which should provide the students with a broader view of the issue of personal finance, or personal finance management in everyday life. The project output were the materials for potential teaching of the subjects focused on personal and family finance management.

Zkvalitnění podmínek studia předmětu Oceňování nemovitostí s akcentem na praktické dovednosti student (Improvement of the conditions for studying the subject Valuation of Property with emphasizing student practical skills)researcher: Ing. Jiří Mácha.


Specific university research

Within these projects, student research activities in accredited Doctoral or Master´s study programmes directly related to their education are supported.


Tvorba výzkumné zprávy pro vědecko-výzkumnou činnost studentů na Vysoké škole technické a ekonomické v Českých Budějovicích (Preparation of research report of student scientific and research activities at the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice) – main researcher: prof. Ing. Marek Vochozka MBA, Ph.D., other researchers: Ing. Veronika Machová, MBA, Ing. Jakub Horák, and a student team of the follow-up Master´s study programme Business Economics and Logistics Technologies

The aim of the project is to create a research report for supporting student scientific and research activities at the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice (ITB). A sub-aim is to write a scientific article for the conference Innovative Economic Symposium 2020.


Tvorba jednoúčelové umělé neuronové sítě pro predikci budoucího vývoje časových řad cen akcií dopravní/přepravní společnosti v ČR (Creation of dedicated artificial neural network for forecasting the development of time series of transport/shipping companies share prices in the CR) – main researcher: prof. Ing. Marek Vochozka, MBA, Ph.D., other researchers: Ing. Veronika Machová, MBA, Ing. Jakub Horák and a student team of follow-up Master´s study programme Logistics Technologies.

The aim of the project is to create a dedicated artificial neural network applicable for a specific company. The artificial neural structure will be created based on the time series of the share prices of a given company in the medium and long term (company shares price development in specific transport/shipping companies in the CR will be monitored). For the research part, the software of Mathematica programme will be used. The added value of the project will be the main output in the form of a dedicated artificial neural network.


Hodnocení a návrhy na zlepšení finanční situace dopravních a přepravních podniků v ČR (Evaluation and proposals for improving financial situation of transport and shipping companies in CR) – main researcher: doc. Ing. Marek Vochozka, MBA, Ph.D, co-researcher: Ing. Veronika Machová and a student team of the follow-up Master´s study programme Logistics Technologies.

The aim of the project was to assess financial situation of transport and shipping companies in the CR using traditional methods (financial analysis and methods of complex evaluation of enterprises) and using artificial intelligence, as well as to propose measures to improve this financial situation.