Mobile network operators + internet

The prices of Czech mobile network operators are different. They usually offer better prices for students, e.g. unlimited calling and texting, + 2GB of data is offered for about 500 CZK/month.


Carrier pre-selection for CR: +420


O2 – (

– SC Mercury, Nádražní 1759, České Budějovice

– IGY Centrum, Pražská tř. 1247/24, České Budějovice

– SC Globus, České Vrbné 2327, České Budějovice


Vodafone – (

– IGY Centrum, Pražská tř. 1247/24, České Budějovice

– SC Géčko, České Vrbné 2327, České Budějovice


T-mobile – (

– IGY Centrum, Pražská tř. 1247/24, České Budějovice