
Portfolio of services for students


1. Gold Pack (All in One)all services. Maximum possible care and help for students.

1. Visa 5,000 CZK

2. Nostrification 3,000 CZK

3. Transport from Prague to Č. Budějovice 1,000 CZK

4. Accommodation – single room 17,500 CZK/semester

5. Free Wi-Fi

6. Studies 35,000 CZK/semester

7. Meals in VSTE refectory – (lunch) +  breakfast and dinners possible 4,500 CZK/semester 

The whole pack – 66,000 CZK/semester


When ordering Gold Pack, you will get Buddy program as a bonus and trips and excursions in the South Bohemian region with Czech students (within ESN)


2. Combined Pack – service pack prepared by the student on their own choice.

1. Visa 5,000 CZK

2. Nostrification 3,000 CZK

3. Transport from Prague to Č. Budějovice 1,000 CZK

4. Accommodation – single room 17,500 CZK/semester

5. Free Wi-Fi

6. Studies 35,000 CZK/semester

7. Meals in VSTE refectory – (lunch) +  breakfast and dinners possible 4,500 CZK/semester


3. Minimum Pack – minimum number of services. It can be changed later.

1. Accommodation – single room 17,500 CZK/semester

2. Studies 35,000 CZK/semester

3. Free Wi-Fi

Price of the pack – 52,500 CZK/semester


Preparatory language courses:

English language (20 lessons / week) +  Czech language and Life and Institutions (2 lessons / week) 35,000 CZK / semester

Czech language and Life and Institutions (20 lessons / week) + English language (2 lessons / week) 35,000 CZK / semester